idag är det fint

Har precis vaknat och ska gå ut och träna det verkar vara fint ute i alla fall. Det kommer och bli väldigt skönt. Sedan så ska jag ordna i min lägenhet det ser inte riktigt bra ut just men det kommer bli jätte fint snart.  Jag har varit väldigt upptagen med allt möjligt och inte hinner och skriva så mycket. Det är mina studier som gör att jag inte hinner och skriva så mycket. Ha en bra söndag allihop:)

Miss Universe Canada 2008 - Another Iranian beauty from Vancouver

Bikini contest with the iranian winner in the middle

Ännu en populär Iranier

Isaac Larian, president of MGA Entertainment, with several of
the company's Bratz dolls. (Courtesy of MGA Entertainment)
By Elizabeth Kelleher
USINFO Staff Writer

Washington -- Were you to talk to Isaac Larian about his childhood in Iran, he would not wax
nostalgic over childhood games or playthings.  In fact, he would tell you that when his
friends and cousins played or went on vacation, he did "constant, hard work" helping his
father run a retail textile business.

Today, Larian is president and chief executive of the largest privately held toy company in
the world, MGA Entertainment, based in Van Nuys, California.  (The ranking is based on
market share comparisons.)

On November 17, Larian was named national Entrepreneur of the Year at a ceremony in
Palm Springs, California, for his "innovation, financial success and personal commitment"
in building a world-class business, according to Ernst & Young, the accounting firm that
sponsors the annual award.  Larian is the 21st winner and will represent the United States
at the World Entrepreneur of the Year awards in Monte Carlo, Monaco, in 2008.  Only one
American has won the world award.

Born in Kashan, Iran, in 1954, Larian came to the United States when he was 17.  He said
that when he came he had two priorities: "to survive and to get an education."  He graduated
from California State University, Los Angeles, with an engineering degree in 1978.  But he
did not stick to the sciences.  "It was no twist of fate" that led him to the toy business, he
said.  "I have always been interested in the exhilarating nature of selling a product."
From an Iranian Childhood of More Work than Play, a Tycoon Rises
Born in Kashan, Iran, in 1954, Larian came to the United States when he was 17.  He said that when he came he had two priorities: "to
survive and to get an education."  He graduated from California State University, Los Angeles, with an engineering degree in 1978.  But he did
not stick to the sciences.  "It was no twist of fate" that led him to the toy business, he said.  "I have always been interested in the exhilarating
nature of selling a product."

He began importing textiles and brassware through his own mail-order company, ABC International Traders Inc., shortly after graduating.

In 1979, he founded a company called Surprise Gift Wagon, through which he imported and distributed brand-name consumer electronic
products.  By the late 1980s, he had become the first official distributor of Nintendo handheld games in the United States and had begun
calling his company Micro Games of America.  It acted as a licensee of other companies' products -- including Power Rangers and Hello Kitty.

Iranian American Isaac Larian on November 17 after accepting the Entrepreneur of the Year award. (Courtesy of Ernst & Young)But as Larian
manufactured or distributed toy brands owned by others, he realized that his business would grow faster if he developed his own brands.

In the 1990s, Larian changed the company name to MGA Entertainment and transformed it to develop its own licenses.  Today, it makes
more than 20 product lines of toys, games, dolls, consumer electronics, home décor, stationery and sporting goods.

Among MGA Entertainment's hits are such household names in the toy business as Bratz, Yummi-Land, Storytime Collection, Rescue Pets,
Miuchiz, West Coast Choppers, Market Racers and Marvel toys.  "I have always had a penchant for creativity," he said.  "I find myself constantly
seeking out new ideas and concepts that I can transform into products that make a difference in the lives of children."


Mattel Inc.'s Barbie reigned as the best-selling doll for more than 40 years, until Larian's company unseated her with its Bratz dolls.  These
fashion-conscious dolls won Family Fun magazine's Toy of the Year Award four years in a row and spawned a feature film, fashion
magazines, apparel collections, a Web site, online promotions and a host of related products.  Today, MGA has more than 400 licensees
worldwide creating Bratz-themed products.

According to Amy Opheim of Funosophy Inc., which surveys parents and children to track the popularity of toys in the United States, two Bratz
dolls -- the line and the Bratz Fashion Stylistz -- are among the top 100 toys for the 2007 holiday season.  The brand itself is
ranked third in popularity among girls ages 6-11, according to Funosophy's survey.

Judges for the Entrepreneur of the Year award cite Larian's open-door policy, whereby he welcomes ideas from all of his 500 employees, as
one reason for his success.  In 2002, an intern suggested an idea for an accessory, and it became the first Bratz playset and won a Toy
Industry Association award.

Larian has three children, and while they have not had to help their father struggle to make ends meet in the same way Larian helped his
father, they share an interest in business.  Their interest comes "more from the observation and curiosity than from genes," Larian said.  He
named two of the Bratz dolls, Yasmin and Cameron, after his younger children.

As Larian thinks about how far he has come since moving to the United States with a goal of survival, he offers advice to other immigrants.  
"Don't forget your roots, always be humble and open to taking a risk," he said.  "Don't be afraid to fail, and when you do, learn from it, get up
and try again."

(USINFO is produced by the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site:
"Entrepreneur of the Year" (Consumer Products category) by
Ernst & Young in 2004. He was also named the overall
national "Entrepreneur of the Year" by Ernst & Young in

Dior Phone

Dior Wireless Phone was released this year
By Fabien Montique on May 22, 2008

Christian Dior will unveil a line of mobile phones -- priced from €3,500, or $5,000, and up. The basic
model for Dior's new phone comes in a variety of colors, WSJ reports.
"In the same way that we have developed our watch and jewelry lines, we want to increase sales with
the phone," Dior Chief Executive Sidney Toledano said in an interview.

The phones will be made by a small French manufacturer, ModeLabs Group SA. Mr. Toledano says
he expects to sell at least 10,000 of them a year at the beginning and hopes to reach annual sales
of €200 million in the longer term.
Dior's new phone -- which will work world-wide, except in Japan and Korea, where it isn't compatible with local wireless
networks. In addition to all the regular features of a cellphone -- a touchscreen, a camera, ringtones -- the Dior phone
offers a new gimmick: a miniature phone barely bigger than a USB key. Dior says the mini "My Dior," as it is called, is handy
for women who don't want to rummage through their bags to find their phones. Instead, the mini version of the phone clips
to the outside of a bag for easier access. It communicates with the main phone, so people can pick up or make calls with


Har varit ute i lördags och haft väldigt kul. hmmm kändes så bra efter att jag hade dansat i fyra timmar i sträck. Men ett annan grej som jag gjorde, det var att dricka vodka eller att dricka överhuvudtaget ,kan säga att det var faktiskt inte kul o vara snurrig hela tiden, klara mig mycket bättre utan alkohol o har alltid gjort det:)
Anti Alkohol

mycket o göra

Hmm... har haft otroligt mycket o göra de senaste tre dagarna. väldigt utmattat och trött är jag men vad ska man göra hoppas ni har haft det bra i alla fall. Tänker fortsätta och ha tålemod angående min lägenhet och mina studier.
see you

my favorit song

Är lite förkyld idag

va och tränade igår och blev lite sjuk idag:( orkar inte så mycket idag

Iranian palace/Golestan

googoosh is the best

Iranian Fashion Show in LA

Masih Desginer

Kolla in de här nya desginen av Masih, han bor i USA och har blivit väldigt populär. Ni kan även gå in på länken och beställa deras plagg, väldigt snygga.

Frukost - en bra start på dagen

En vana med många fördelar

Att äta frukost ger många fördelar. Den gör dig skärpt, håller dig smal och får dig på gott humör. Att hoppa över frukosten är ett vanligt misstag. Efter nattens fasta behöver glukosnivån i blodet öka för att hjärnan skall få energi. Utan energi är hjärnan inte lika alert. Uppfattningsförmågan och reaktionsförmågan är nedsatt. Det tar också längre tid att minnas saker och ting. Dessutom är det så att den mentala prestationsförmågan påverkas av hur hungriga vi är. Undersökningar visar att ju hungrigare vi är desto sämre blir den mentala prestationsförmågan

så jag Ska äta froukost  och hoppas att jag mår bättre då . ska plugga idag med:)

som vanligt

Har precis vaknat och käkat frukost. lite ont i magen och så och inte så pigg som vanligt...tänker sitta och plugga lite  mot eftermiddag så skall jag ta liten promenad med Banaz. Just de, det var så kallt i natt så jag frös att det är redan kallt ..alltså:( vad sak man göra. kommer kanske åka till Stockhlm eftersomm jag saknar min pärla ni vet brorsans dotter Parmida (I love her).

Iranian hot Actress

Swedish-Persian Actress & singer  ActressActress

 lover her smileActress
Hi is HotactresshotActress
She is diva  After reveloutionActress and Singer

The real Iranian Girl

Miss World Canada

Nazanin Afshin-Jam
Vancouver, British Columbia

5'8.5" / Brown hair / Brown eyes / 24 years old
Nazanin was born in Iran. Now 24, she is a graduate of the University of British Columbia with a degree in Political Science and International Relations, and has studied in France and England. She currently studies Broadcast Journalism while balancing a successful career as a model, actress and Global Youth Facilitator.

Nazanin says her favourite job was working with youth in raising awareness of global issues and humanitarian crises, such as landmines, the poverty-disease cycle and children affected by war. She hopes to become the next Christianne Amanpour, working as a foreign correspondent, but first, plans on writing and producing documentaries focusing on third world development issues. Nazanin has received dozens of awards throughout her education, and has appeared in several television shows, movies and music videos.

She loves flying, sailing, kayaking and go-kart racing, and has special training in voice, drama, public speaking, dance - and bush survival skills! Nazanin would love to meet Nelson Mandela, and was Squadron Commander and Warrant Officer First Class in the Royal Canadian Air Cadets. She is fluent in English, French and Farsi, and speaks conversational Spanish.

Junk food: Chocolate Lava Cake
Soul food: Too many choices!
Colour: Fuchsia
Smell: Vanilla
Magazine: National Geographic
Book: Mahatma Gandhi by Mahatma Gandhi
Music/Singer: Spanish-Arab fusion

An interview with Nazanin Afshin-Jam - BBC Persian (October 29, 2003)

Nazanin Afshin-Jam: contestant number 21 (Miss World 2003)

Nazanin Afshin-Jam of Vancouver now guaranteed a spot among the Top Twenty Finalists (November 30, 2003)

Nazanin Afshin-Jam (Official Site)

Images courtesy of SP Productions Inc.

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 i am a compassionate, honest and loyal person. These characteristics definitely help to bring out the best
of others, as well as the best of myself. When you have compassion, honesty and loyalty, how can you go
wrong in life?

Är född i Iran(Isfahan) och uppväxt i Sverige sen 20 år tillbaka tillsammans med mina föräldrar och mina fyra lovely syskon. Trivs väldigt bra i Sverige och tycker om Svenska folket, det här är ju min andra land. Har väldigt mycket energi och är alltid igång och ville alltid lära mig ny saker, och framförallt träffa nya människor.
Är utbildad till data system vetenskapliga programmet på Stockholms universitet. Tycker om att sysnas och höras och är väldigt mycket intresserad av dans och musik av alla möjliga slag.
Varit i Isla de Margerita för två veckor och haft jätte kul.  Prova ni också

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