Börja träna pilates idag

Har lite ont i magen idag men det kommer och gå över hoppas jag ...annars så skall jag jobba på mitt uppdrag och städa lite....tänker träna lite pilates också vilket är det bästa om man gör  det på morogonen då är man pigg hela dan. Prova ni också jag rekommenderar verkligen det till er som känner att ni behövder massage man kan säga att det är nån typ av kroppsmassage som man ger till sig själv. Nedan kan ni läsa om historian bakom pilates och hur den uppkom

The History of Pilates

In order to understand the basics of Pilates and why it can work for you, you first need to understand where Pilates came from. Pilates was originally formed in Germany by a man of the same name.

Pilates ws designed by a man that had many health afflictions as a child. The boy wanted to overcome the hardships he faced. He hoped exercise would not only boost his morale, but also his body's defense against his illnesses.

The year was 1880 when Joseph Pilates was born. During his youthful years, he tried a number of things to try to strengthen his body.

After several failed attempts to create the perfect program for his frail form he came up with the series of movements we now know as Pilates. However, it wasn't until the 1920's that the movements Pilates created were truly perfected.

One of the things that make Pilates so great is that the movements and exercises you do seek to give you strength and flexibility, but not to build any serious amount of bulk to your frame. Pilates is not about building muscle, it is about working with your body and not against it.

You need to be able to take what you have been given and make that work for you before attempting anything else and that is the philosophy that Pilates was founded on.


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